
The page has information about adoption processes in Canada (local and international). To read more information on the websites used, go to [Sources] and refer to the links under [Adoption] page - by Rana H.


The Adoption Process

There are three types of adoption processes: Public, Private, and International.

A Public adoption is done through a non-profit organization.

A Private adoption is done through licensed agencies and requires fees and other expenses.

An International adoption is also done through an adoption agency; however, certain agencies are allowed to do certain adoptions from specific countries that are granted by the Private and International Adoption Unit.

The Beginning should start off with somewhat the same steps:

The FIRST STEP is to GATHER AS MUCH INFORMATION AS YOU CAN. In the modern world, you can use many different methods to find out more on this topic. You can go on the internet and surf the World Wide Web, buy countless books to read, or talk to a specialist who is only one phone call away.

The NEXT STEP should be preparation. A HOMESTUDY is done. It is an assessment done by a qualified adoption practitioner (social worker). The non-profit organization will do it for free if it was a Public adoption, or you would have to pay if it were done through a licensed agency for Private and International adoption. The social worker then writes a report about whether you are suitable to adopt a child or not.

A home study can generally last for several months. During this time, the adoption practitioner assesses your background (family, personal, health, finance, education, criminal, etc.) and your reasons for adopting and your expectations for the child. The environment around you (relationships, home, and the people around) is also considered.

Also, taking a program called PRIDE is required. It stands for Parents Resources for Information, Development, and Education. It is a twenty – seven hour program that teaches parents on topics about adoption impacts and more.

After the preparation is done, you must CREATE A PERSONAL FILE.

Public and Private Adoption processes are similar.

Open Adoption

You are then CHOSEN TO ADOPT A CHILD. During this process the birth parents choose where to place the child through the profile. If the parents wish to not choose themselves or are unable to or unavailable to, a social worker will choose for them through a criteria list.

In the next step, you will NEED MINISTRY APPROVAL. During this time, foster care may be temporarily needed since the ministry must approve of the placement before the child is placed in the assigned home.

BIRTH PARENTS NEED TO SIGN THEIR CONSENT. After they have signed their consent, they have twenty – one days to decide whether they want the child back.

After the consent is signed and the child is in the placement, SOCIAL WORKERS SUPERVISE THE ADOPTION FOR A MINIMUM OF SIX MONTHS. Following the six months, the adoption id finalized through court and the child will officially be adopted.

Also, remember that in a public adoption, communication between both adoptive and birth parents are decided before placement process.

International Adoption

Remember that in an international adoption, requirements of both countries are to be met to be able to adopt from that country.

Look for an adoption form here.