Developmental Impacts

This page has information about developmental impacts of poor orphanages on child development (social, emotional, physical). To read more information on the websites used, go to [Sources] and refer to the links under [Developmental Impacts] page - by Dimpal P.


Children who are placed in orphanages at a younger age would get more affected because it would cause a delay in their development years. It can affect them in all aspects such as their social lives, emotional lives, and physical lives and also with how they behave among other people.

In some orphanages, they provide education for the orphans so that it can help them connect with the society.

But others are not so lucky because the people working at the orphanages don’t care about the orphans and they don’t provide them with any education. They think that they are not capable of becoming someone when they grow up. This can affect them because they would have less knowledge about the world which causes them to have learning disabilities.

Most of the orphans tend to be more independent because no one spends time with them and they feel neglected.

The orphans stick to themselves then go outside because they are not familiar with the outer world and are unknown of how to correspond with the society.

Children at the orphanages also don’t have a clue about what to expect from life. They have never been taught how to behave as adults and also how to speak when they are adults.

They are also affected socially because they have never been told how to deal with a situation when they arrive and how the problem should be dealt with. This is the main aspect where children get affected the most because they lack certain abilities that are needed for them in their social lives such as communication, and leadership amongst other kids or teens.

Hungry Orphans
This is another one of those main areas where children are being ignored on the basis of how they look or because they are physically disabled.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop here. Many children in the orphanages are treated differently compared to others.  Why, you may ask? Children at orphanages are treated based on how they look. If some look more attractive than others they would receive more attention.

Children who are disabled are also mistreated. Many of the care workers neglect them and let them suffer amongst themselves. If other children were to hang out with them, they would also be neglected and ignored.

Most children at the orphanages also have a higher risk of getting diseases because they are not being taken care of properly. Some do not get enough nutrition when they are sick because as said before they are neglected.

When younger children are put into orphanages, you would expect that they would be treated with love and affection. The same way that their parents would treat them right? Wrong. When they are in orphanages, all they ever receive is neglect and hatred. No one cares for them at the orphanages no matter how young they are.

Also, because of this neglecting, children become less social with the rest of the world. They would keep to them more often then be around other people.

At orphanages there is also no bond kept between the worker and child that would be expected between a parent and child relationship because the workers don’t want to show too much affection towards them. They want them to be more independent on their own without having someone to babysit them all the time.

Afghan Kids
Children also begin to develop negative thinking at orphanages. When the workers show them hatred, it makes the child feel as if everyone around them is like that.

Children may find some people who are willing to shower them with love so that they don`t feel left out. This is the hardest part to do for parents because they would have to try and win over the children and show them that they will be taken care of.